Tuesday, November 30, 2010

the final countdown

during this journey i have tackled many tasks to help myself and to make me a better person.  not only did i accomplish my goal of succeeding in beating insomnia i also did more to better myself along the way.  one major thing i did that everyone always wants to do but most average people can not is i quit smoking!!! this was the most challenging thing i have ever come across.  Although tough it was the best decision i had ever made.  another thing i had worked on is a diet.  i have dropped 5 pounds of fat and gained 10 pounds of muscle since i started my training exercises.  this just goes to show that anything can be accomplished with the right mind set.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

my progress after my thrity days

this has been a very great experience for me. not only has it changed my life but it has also helped me become a calmer and better person.  not only did i fix my problem with insomnia which i am proud to admit!! i also kicked the one and hardest habbit to quit which is smoking.  helping myself with cureing my insomnia inspired me to go that much further to make myself better.