Thursday, October 7, 2010

the beginning dom! dom! dom!.......
today was the first day of my thirty day quest.  last night i went to bed at 10:00 p.m., i did not fall asleep till 3:00 A.m. i litterally layed in my bed tossing and turning trying and hopeing to finally fall asleep but it never came.  I set my alarm for 7:00 a.m. and that part i did succeed in.  My body is currently running off of four hours of sleep. I feel as though i cant keep my eyes open to save my life and my body feels like a thousand pounds.  maybe i will see some more improvement...


  1. love the art you put with your blog...good job!

  2. what's your caffeine or general sugar intake before you sleep? I recently quit caffeine and now whenever i have it even hours before bed I cannot sleep and have had similar experiences. I know this may not be relevant to you but who knows.
